Senior Leadership Team
Mr Peter Marchant

Mr Peter Marchant

Executive Headteacher

Mrs Kyra Siddall-Ward

Mrs Kyra Siddall-Ward

Executive Primary Headteacher

Miss Emma Bushby

Miss Emma Bushby

Head of Secondary Phase

Mr Martin Pickup

Mr Martin Pickup

Deputy Headteacher - Outcomes

Mr Eamon Brennan

Mr Eamon Brennan

Deputy Headteacher - Climate for Learning

Mr David Kilby

Mr David Kilby

Assistant Headteacher - Pupil Development

Mrs Rachel Kinder

Mrs Rachel Kinder

Head of Primary Phase

Miss Elle Jackson

Miss Elle Jackson

Assistant Headteacher KS2

Mr Jon Brown

Mr Jon Brown

Chief Operating Officer

Mr Michael Palframan

Mr Michael Palframan

Assistant Headteacher EYFS & KS1

Head Of Faculty


Miss Catherine Martin


Mrs Kat Hone (Maternity Cover)

Global Learning

Mr Martin Catterick


Ms Anne Lockstone

Expressive Arts

Mr Shane Barrow

Visual Arts

Mrs Rachel Sadler

Curriculum Leaders

Curriculum Leader MFL

Mrs Birgitta Baron-Barklem

Curriculum Leader Computing

Mr Joel Greenfield

Curriculum Leader PE/Health

Mrs Natasha Catterick

Primary SENCo/Assistant Headteacher for Safeguarding & Inclusion

Mrs Mary Crowley

Secondary SENCo and Inclusion Leader

Ms Tiana Moore

EYFS Leader

 Mrs Nicola Patton

KS1 Leader

Mr Michael Palframan

Lower KS2 Leader

Mr Christopher Loveland

Upper KS2 Leader

Miss Ellie Messer

Head of Year

Year 7

Mr Steve Hatton

Year 8

Mrs Kitty Wight

Year 9

Mrs Hannah Gardner

Year 10

Mr Chris Hurcomb (Maternity )

Year 11

Mrs Lisa Crook


of pupils achieved 9-4 in English.

After School programs


of pupils achieved 9-4 in Maths.

Years Established

Celebrating Success

The staff and governors of Cavendish wish to congratulate all of our Year 11 pupils for the fantastic GCSE grades they have achieved this year.

Headteacher, Peter Marchant said, "The grades that our pupils have achieved are a reflection of their hard work throughout their time at the school and they can rightly feel proud of what they have achieved through these  challenging times."