Key Information


Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills.

Our School’s Ofsted Report

The Cavendish School is rated  ‘Good’ in its primary and secondary phases and ‘Outstanding’ for its Early Years provision, after its 2018 Ofsted inspection. The grading, which is the second and first highest possible grading that a school can achieve, comes after a rigorous two day inspection.

quotes from report

“Evidence gathered suggests that the inspection grade might be outstanding if a graded”

“The school has very high expectations of its pupils”
“Pupils achieve very highly in both the primary and secondary phase and in a wide range of subjects”

“There is an excellent programme of enrichment opportunities termed ‘The Cavendish Offer’.”
“The school has created a curriculum that runs seamlessly from children in pre-school to pupils in Year 11”
“Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are given high-quality, individual support with this work where necessary.”
“Almost all pupils behave well almost all of the time, both in and out of the classroom”
“Staff feel very well supported by leaders”

From our Head

Whilst we already knew that our school had many strengths, it is wonderful to have it confirmed by Ofsted and we can all be rightly proud to have gained such recognition.

The inspectors were incredibly impressed and noted “pupils behave very well in the classroom and around the school.

This creates a calm and welcoming atmosphere in which pupils thrive”.

I know that pupils and parents appreciate just how hard the staff work to provide not only superb teaching, but also the wonderful opportunities for all pupils to develop at Cavendish.


of pupils achieved 9-4 in English.

After School programs


of pupils achieved 9-4 in Maths.

Years Established

Celebrating Success

The staff and governors of Cavendish wish to congratulate all of our Year 11 pupils for the fantastic GCSE grades they have achieved this year.

Headteacher, Peter Marchant said, "The grades that our pupils have achieved are a reflection of their hard work throughout their time at the school and they can rightly feel proud of what they have achieved through these  challenging times."