Key Information
Policies & DocumentsWe have a number of policies and procedures available, under regular review by the Governing Body throughout the year, and republished on this website. For any further information please email
Cavendish Pre-School Documents
Pre-School Admissions PolicyPre-School Application FormPre-School Application Pack Cover LetterPre-School Booking FormPre-School Fee StructurePre-School Food and Drink PolicyPre-School FundingPre-School Permissions FormPre-School Tapestry Learning RequestPre-School Tapestry LetterPre-School Terms and ConditionsPre-School Welcome BookletPre-School Early Years Pupil Premium FormPre-School Early Years Pupil Premium Letter
Cavendish School Documents
Cavendish Acceptable Use Policy Agreement for PupilsCavendish Behaviour for Learning Procedures for Primary PhaseCavendish Behaviour for Learning Procedures for Secondary PhaseCavendish Careers PolicyCavendish Home School AgreementCavendish Intimate Care PolicyCavendish Lettings Policy (incl Application Form)Cavendish SEND Information ReportCavendish Summer School Statement of SpendingCavendish Uniform Policy
Cavendish Education Trust POLICIES
CET Accessibility PlanCET Admissions Policy 2024-2025CET Admissions Policy 2025-2026CET Anti-Bullying PolicyCET Assessment, Exams, Reporting & Recording PolicyCET Attendance Policy (Pupils)CET Behaviour PolicyCET Charging and Remissions PolicyCET Complaints Policy and ProcedureCET Curriculum Policy (incl Homework and Collective Worship)CET Data Protection Policy (incl Separated Parents Policy, Data in Transit policy & CCTV policy)CET Educational Visits & Off Site Activities PolicyCET Equality PolicyCET EYFS PolicyCET First Aid PolicyCET Freedom of Information PolicyCET Health and Safety PolicyCET Online Safety PolicyCET Preventing Extremism and RadicalisationCET Privacy Notice (how we use pupil information)CET Privacy Notice Governors, Trustees and Volunteers InformationCET Relationships & Sex Education (RSE) PolicyCET Safeguarding and Child Protection PolicyCET Special Category Data PolicyCET Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions PolicyCET Trustee and Local Governor Allowance PolicyCET Visitors Violence and Aggression at Work policyCET Whistleblowing Policy
Cavendish Education Trust Financial DOCUMENTS
of pupils achieved 9-4 in English.
After School programs
of pupils achieved 9-4 in Maths.
Years Established
Celebrating Success
The staff and governors of Cavendish wish to congratulate all of our Year 11 pupils for the fantastic GCSE grades they have achieved this year.
Headteacher, Peter Marchant said, "The grades that our pupils have achieved are a reflection of their hard work throughout their time at the school and they can rightly feel proud of what they have achieved through these challenging times."