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Science in KS3

Our ambition for Science is that pupils will receive a broad and balanced curriculum that develops sound scientific vocabulary and maths skills and which enables pupils to progressively build and deepen their knowledge, understanding and skills through all key stages. We want pupils to experience practical work at all key stages which allows them to carry out investigations to answer scientific questions.

Pupils will apply their numeracy skills within their Science lessons. Opportunities will be provided, at all ages, to engage in activities that make use of a wide range of mathematical skills, including: handling data, graphs, algebra and arithmetic and numerical computation.

Our pupils commence their GCSE curriculum in Year 9 so please refer to the KS4 road maps for information about the content they study. 


of pupils achieved 9-4 in English.

After School programs


of pupils achieved 9-4 in Maths.

Years Established

Celebrating Success

The staff and governors of Cavendish wish to congratulate all of our Year 11 pupils for the fantastic GCSE grades they have achieved this year.

Headteacher, Peter Marchant said, "The grades that our pupils have achieved are a reflection of their hard work throughout their time at the school and they can rightly feel proud of what they have achieved through these  challenging times."