Open Event 2020
Welcome To The Cavendish School Virtual Open Event
Why Cavendish School?
A warm welcome to all Year 6 pupils and their parents / carers.
A very warm welcome to our Virtual Open event. We are very disappointed that we are not able to physically welcome you into our school to show you around our fantastic facilities and meet the wonderful pupils and staff that make Cavendish such a great place to learn and develop as an individual.
We believe the film clips and associated information will give you a good opportunity to find out more about our school. We ask that if you have any general questions that you would like to ask then please use the Contact Us form at the bottom of this site.
We look forward to seeing you in September 2021!
Pupil Perspective
Parental/Carer Perspective
The subjects taught at Cavendish are spread across 6 faculties. Please click on the links below to find out about the amazing teaching and learning that takes place here at Cavendish.
Global Learning – Geography, History, Religious Education, Spanish, French
Visual Arts –
Art, Computing, Design Technology, Food Technology, Graphic Art, Textiles
Expressive Arts –
Wider School Facilities
Pastoral Care here at Cavendish
All pupils are part of a tutor group here at Cavendish. Pupils spend the first part of each school day with their form tutor and friends following a fun and thought provoking tutor programme that looks to help in developing pupils own and others well-being. The tutor is the first point of contact between home and school.
Each Year group has a Progress Leader who is responsible for all matters relating to the progress of the pupils in their respective year group. A guidance Leader is also assigned to each year group, who offers emotional and pastoral support for the pupils in their year group. The Attendance and Medical team support all pupils in attendending school and deal with the medical issues that arise within the school day.

We want all of our pupils to be confident, independent, high achieving learners who are prepared for life and its challenges.
Secondary 360 Virtual Tour
The link below will take you to our virtual tours, we hope that they give you a flavour of our school and its environment.
Are the teachers nice?
Yes, the teachers are lovely! Some of the teachers have been at Cavendish for many years. They will all look after you and help you when you start.
What time does school open and what time does school start
The School doors will be open from 8:20am and you will need to be in your tutor room by 8:40am.
How many lessons per day will I have?
There will be five, one hour, lessons each day and a tutor time session in the morning. You will have a two-week timetable. Each day you will have a different mix of subjects.
What extra-curricular clubs do we run and outside activities
There is a wide range of clubs and activities and these are shared with you in tutor time and on the notice boards around the school. Clubs range from Sports, Music, Drama, Computing, Maths and Homework support. We also offer various school trips that include Skiing, a visit to New York and Morfa Bay in Wales. We also take part in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
Are the tutor groups mixed year groups?
No, tutor groups are made up of only pupils in year 7. We will have 6 tutor groups. There will be a mixture of pupils from different primary schools so you should hopefully be with one or two of your friends.
Can I be with my friends in my tutor group?
Yes, you can be with one or two of your friends in your tutor group. You will be asked the names of your friends before you start.
Do we get lots of homework?
There will be homework set for each subject over a two-week period. There is a manageable amount set and teachers give you an idea of how much time you should be spending on each piece. If you find you are being set too much or not enough you can speak to your class teacher or tutor.
Do you need a computer for homework?
Not all homework tasks are set on the computer but if they are you can ask your class teacher for a paper copy of the homework.
What sports can I take part in?
The PE department strives to give you the best experience possible and we try to cover as many sports as we can on our curriculum. We also try to enter teams in every inter-school competition.
How will I know where my classes are located? Will I have a map?
You will get used to the layout of the school quite quickly. You will go to most of your lessons as a tutor group and stay together. There will be times when you get lost and all the staff and pupils will help you find your way. Maps can be given out if you require one.
Will my primary school teacher tell you all about me?
Yes, we will get some information from your primary school teachers about your character and some of your likes and dislikes. However, Cavendish is a chance for you to start fresh and be the best version of yourself.
Am I allowed to bring my phone to school?
Yes you are allowed to bring your phone into school but we ask that you take full responsibility for it should it be lost or damaged. Phones are not allowed to be used around the school building but can be used at break and lunchtimes outside. Phones should be placed on silent or turned off when in the school building.
How do I buy my school dinners? Are they nice?
At Cavendish, we use a cashless catering system; there are two payment points in school. You enter your pin number (that you will be given when you start) and place your money onto your account. When you visit the canteen, you will select your food and enter your pin number at the cash desk. Your parents can top up your account from home. If you receive free school meals, the money will automatically be placed onto your account. There is a range of different food that you can purchase and there is a menu that is available on the school website.
How do we set pupil’s lessons?
In Year 7 Maths is the only subject that is set. This is based upon the data we receive from the Primary / Junior School. If we feel that they need resetting once they have settled in, we will test them at Cavendish School to analyse what level best suits them.
Do we have a homework club?
Currently we do not run any clubs due to the Covid19 restrictions. However, there would be usually clubs for all subject areas including the library. Please note that the library would normally be accessible before school, during the lunchbreak and after school.
What kind of support do we have if a child is struggling with their work?
Communication is key between the pupil and the school – so as soon as you hear of any struggles please send an email to the teacher / Progress Leader notifying them. Staff can then put strategies in place and pass on information to other staff if need be.
Do you teach mindfulness?
Mindfulness is part of the PSHE lessons.
Can you wear your hair down?
Yes – you can wear your hair down.
What is the normal transition process? What will it be if we still have restrictions in place with Covid19?
In July 2020, we ran a virtual transition that was beneficial to all pupils and accessible via the school website. In addition, Year 7 pupils were able to be in school at the start of term before some of the other year groups that also supported this process. If Covid19 restrictions remain this will be the same.
What are the GCSE Option Subjects?
For the Year 8 pupils in academic year 2019/2020 they were able to choose from a range of subjects that included-
Triple Science, Combined Science, English Literature, English Language, Maths, Geography, History, RE, GCSE PE, Health & Social Care, Hospitality and Catering, Art and Design, Art Textiles, Graphics, Film Studies, Computer Science, Dance, Drama, Music, Photography, Spanish and French.
Do the pupils do Dance by itself as a subject / lesson in Year 7?
The pupils will do Dance during PE. We have a Dance Specialist that will teach during this unit.
How many pupils are in each tutor group?
We have 30 pupils in each tutor group.
Are Maths and English classes taught in ability sets or mixed?
We do arrange ability sets for both Maths and English. These sets are all the same year group – we do not mxi year groups.
What is the reading list for Year 7 English?
Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens and The Tempest by William Shakespeare
Do we run a Book Club?
Yes – The Library will run a book club on a Tuesday at 2:45pm to 3:45pm
What is the Library like? Can it be used by the pupils?
The Library is well stocked with over 6,500 books. New titles are bought monthly. Currently one year group per day uses the library. The library is open at some break and lunch times. This is restricted now to the Covid 19 virus.
Do pupils have to wear a mask due to the current Covid 19 Restrictions?
We have asked pupils to wear a face covering in all corridors and communal areas. Pupils are allowed to wear their face covering during lessons (within their classroom) if they so wish to.
Do Year 7 pupils have their own toilet facilities?
Yes – Year 7 do have their own toilets. All pupils would normally use the Canteen together. Year 7 & 8, have a shared designated outside area.
Is Edulink for parents as well as pupils?
Yes – it is currently used by parents and will be used by pupils in due course.
Is the school due for an Ofsted Inspection soon? In addition, how frequently are they done?
The school had an Ofsted inspection in 2018. Most inspections are every 4 years.
Admissions Information
How to apply: The safest and quickest way to apply for a school is online at eastsussex.gov.uk/admissions
Use all of your preferences: you can name up to three schools on your application.
You can apply online from the 12 September 2020 and the deadline date is 31 October 2020.
National Offer Day / Allocation Day is 1 March 2021.
Contact Us!
You can contact us by clicking the link below.